Karmamoi – Strings From The Edge of Sound

‘Strings From The Edge of Sound’ is the new album of Karmamoi (Italy). The CD contains four new and five tracks from “old” albums. In the calm, new tracks, there are sometimes a lot of layers. The (stacked) vocals are balanced with the music. You can hear emotion in both vocals and music. Most turns are gradual. There are light rocking, but also minimalist parts. The balance between the light classical and the other instruments is very good. So is the alternation and/or interplay between acoustic and electric guitar playing. The “choral singing” is beautifully added. Of the older songs, “Room 101” is perhaps the most impressive. Also in the songs that follow, the blend/interchange between classical and rock is sublime. The renewed songs match well together. ‘Strings From The Edge of Sound’ is a fantastic light classical-oriented prog- rock album.

(9/10) (Own Management)

Social media:
Website: Karmamoi
Bandcamp: Karmamoi
Facebook: Karmamoi

01 – Black Hole Era (7:39)
02 – Nashira – Orchestra Version (9:09)
03 – Take Me Home – Orchestra Version (8:27)
04 – Tell Me (6:03)
05 – Room 101 – Orchestra Version (8:36)
06 – I will come in your Dreams (5:23)
07 – Your Name – Orchestra Version (8:17)
08 – Zealous Man – Orchestra Version (11:52)
09 – Strings from the Edge of Sound (1:57

Line up:
Daniele Giovannoni: Drums, keyboards and backing vocals
Valerio Sgargi: Vocals, backing vocals and keyboards
Alex Massari: Guitars
Alessandro Cefalì: Bass

Karmamoi – Strings From The Edge of Sound

‘Strings From The Edge of Sound’ is het nieuwe album van Karmamoi (Italië). De cd bevat vier nieuwe en vijf tracks van “oude” albums. In de kalme, nieuwe tracks zijn er soms heel wat laagjes. De (gestapelde) zang is in balans met de muziek. Zowel in zang als muziek hoor je de emotie. De meeste wendingen verlopen geleidelijk. Er zijn licht rockende, maar ook minimalistische delen. De balans tussen de licht klassieke en de overige instrumenten is zeer goed. Dat geldt ook voor de afwisseling en/of samenspel tussen akoestisch-en elektrisch gitaarspel. De “koorzang” is mooi toegevoegd. Van de oudere nummers is ‘Room 101’ misschien wel het indrukwekkendst. Ook in de nummers die volgen is de blend/afwisseling tussen klassiek en rock subliem. De vernieuwde nummers passen goed bij elkaar. ‘Strings From The Edge of Sound’ is een fantastisch licht klassiek georiënteerd prog- rock album.

(9/10) (Eigen Beheer)

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