Dragonknight – Legions

Dragonknight is a new Finnish metal band founded by metal veterans.They make accessible power metal with beautiful melodies, catchy rhythms, cool riffs and classical elements. Their music is for lovers of bands such as Blind Guardian and Sabaton.The instrumental ‘Through Sea And Fire’ opens almost fairytale-like. The light classical music and choral vocals become more … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Saor – Amidst the Ruins

Andy Marshall is the driving spirit behind Saor. This band has been mixing atmospheric black metal with tender melodies for more than a decade. The newest album, ‘Amidst the Ruins’ intertwines the unpleasantness of modern times with Scottish heritage. The warriors of Saor call on listeners to wake up from their depthful dullness. ‘Amidst the … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Avatarium – Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead

Avatarium, is a Swedish rock doom/melancholic heavy metal band. ‘Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead’ is their sixth studio album. The release date is scheduled for 24 January. The music is heavier and darker than their recent albums. They combine this with the doom of their debut album.‘Between You, God, The Devil & … Read more, available in English and Dutch

A Multitude of One – A Templar’s Tale 

Multi-instrumentalist Colin Powell (England) is the man behind A Multitude of One. In the concept album ‘A Templar’s Tale, the fictional Sir Geoffrey de Beaumont narrates Templars. Colin presents his lyrics half talking, half singing. His voice sounds distorted, his pronunciation is clear. At times the vocals are stacked, the remarkable colour remains. As the … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Steve Hackett – Live Magic at Trading Boundaries

Both the studio, and live albums of guitarist Steve Hackett are usually grandiose in concept. But ‘Live Magic at Trading Boundaries’ is different, as this is a selection of live recordings from his annual acoustic gigs at Trading Boundaries, UK. You’ll hear Genesis classics as well as solo work. In addition, Amanda Lehmann sings and … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Erik Krikke – Onderweg

Erik Krikke schreef eerder twee boeken over posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS): “Keihard Opstaan, en ‘Operatie Geslaagd’, hierin vertelt hij openhartig over zijn werk als operatieassistent chirurgie. Bovendien bracht hij met de band 7even Bridges twee albums uit ‘#BreakTheSilence’ en ‘Million Voices’. Met als doel het taboe rondom PTSS te doorbreken. En alsof dat nog niet genoeg … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Dave Brons – Brons Live in the Shire

British guitarist Dave Brons released ‘Based on a True Story’, his instrumental debut album, in 2015. Since then, his music has evolved. Uilleann pipes and Irish flutes feature prominently. Add string instruments and the brass section, and you get rich, complex music. His inspiration comes from Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’, among others. After three … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Crescent Moon – Another Way to Live

Crescent Moon is a Dutch atmospheric rock band. The theme of their fourth album, ‘Another Way to Live’ is the longing for a different direction. This search for choices involves both social and personal changes. It also deals with, for instance, uncertainty and reflection.The intro of ‘Queen of Spades’ is very different from what we … Read more, available in English and Dutch

The five most memorable concert reports of 2024

It is impossible to mention the best concerts, because how do you compare them? The concerts I attend are very diverse. Sometimes acoustic, another time a “big load of noise”. From blues rock, to hard rock, prog/symphonic rock, with or without a touch of metal. I also went to very different concerts in 2024. Therefore, … Read more, available in English and Dutch