‘Can We Leave The Light On Longer?” is the third (acoustic) album by Damian Wilson and Adam Wakeman. Damian sings and plays acoustic guitar. Adam sings, plays piano, Hammond, guitars, bass and percussion. The personal lyrics are, among other things, about how people are connected. This twosome knows how to convey emotion. Adam voices this in, for example, ‘The Man From The Island’. In ‘Let’s Talk’, you can hear the sadness not only on Damian’s voice, but also in the guitar playing. ‘The Battle of the Bare Knuckle Fighter’ has (partly due to trumpet playing) a pleasant retro atmosphere, the fade out is unfortunate. ‘Turn Your Life Around’ is a bit poppy. ‘November’ is nicely subdued. Piano playing and Damian’s vocals form a touching combination in ‘Hero’. This feeling remains even during the harmony vocals. The fantastically clear sound makes the ten songs come into their own fully.
(9/10) (Own management)
01 – A I – 04:09
02 – Can We Leave The Light On Longer? – 03:16
03 – The Man From The Island – 04:57
04 – Let’s Talk – 04:20
05 – The Battle of the Bare Knuckle Fighter – 05:01
06 – Turn Your Life Around – 05:18
07 – Multiplicity – 03:18
08 – November – 04:53
09 – Hero – 04:26
10.Addlestone – 03:14

Wilson & Wakeman – Can We Leave The Light On Longer?

‘Can We Leave The Light On Longer?’ is het derde (akoestische) album van Damian Wilson and Adam Wakeman. Damian zingt en speelt akoestisch gitaar. Adam zingt, speelt piano, Hammond, gitaren, bas en percussie. De persoonlijke teksten gaan onder andere over de manier waarop mensen met elkaar verbonden zijn. Dit tweetal weet emotie over te brengen. Adam laat dit horen in onder andere ‘The Man From The Island’. In ‘Let’s Talk’ hoor je het verdriet niet alleen op Damians stem, maar ook in het gitaarspel. ‘The Battle of the Bare Knuckle Fighter’ heeft (mede door trompetspel) een aangename retro sfeer, de fade out is jammer. ‘Turn Your Life Around’ is wat poppy. ‘November’ is mooi ingetogen. Pianospel en Damians zang vormen een ontroerende combinatie in ‘Hero’. Dit gevoel blijft ook tijdens de samenzang. Door het fantastische heldere geluid komen de tien nummers volledig tot hun recht.
(9/10) (Eigen Beheer)