T.A.P – Paradigms

‘T.A.P.’ is an international, instrumental studio band. ‘Paradigms’ is their debut album. They mix fusion, prog and ambient rock with jazz, ethnic influences and soundscapes, among others. There are changes in styles, atmospheres and tempo. The differences in volume between the subdued/mysterious pieces and the rocking parts, for instance, are quite small. Occasionally, there are a bit too many repetitions in the drum programming, moreover, there is relatively little dynamics. Otherwise, the sound is good quality, and nicely spread over headset. The guitar playing is good, the distribution between (bass) guitar and the various keyboard instruments (with all their different sounds) is balanced. Most intros are special, the continuation is sometimes more common. Most transitions flow nicely, a single track ends a bit abruptly. The tracks have enjoyable elements like flute playing and “string instruments”. The more often you listen, the more details you “discover”.

(8/10) (Melodic Revolution Records)

01 – Infinite Names – 11:57
02 – The Progbient – 05:02
03 -Initiate Protocol 7 – 05:55
04 -Signal Transactions – 06:22
05 -Silence from the Storm – 12:27
06 -The Last Words of Dutch Schultz – 05:02
07 -Terminus – 05:40
08 -Silence from the Storm (HOI Mix) – 08:17

Mike Jobborn – keyboards, synth, soundscapes, drum programming
Mark Cook – Warr guitar, guitars, basses, drums, soundscapes, synths, samples, strings
Suzi James – guitars, basses, oud, flute, random percussion
Gayle Ellett – keyboards – Hammond, Moog, mellotron, (tracks 1,2,4,7,8)
Paul Sears – drums, percussion (track 5)
Bill Bachman – drums (track 8)

T.A.P – Paradigms

‘T.A.P.’ is een internationale, instrumentale studioband. ‘Paradigms’ is hun debuutalbum. Ze mixen fusion, prog-en ambientrock met onder andere jazz, etnische invloeden en soundscapes. Er zijn veranderingen in stijlen, sferen en tempo. De verschillen in volume tussen bijvoorbeeld de ingetogen/mysterieuze stukken en de rockende delen is nogal klein. Af en toe zijn er iets te veel herhalingen in de drum programming, bovendien is er vrij weinig dynamiek. Verder is het geluid goed van kwaliteit, en mooi verdeeld over headset. Het gitaarspel is goed, de verdeling tussen (bas)gitaar en de verschillende toetsinstrumenten (met al hun verschillende klanken) is in balans. De meeste intro’s zijn bijzonder, het vervolg is soms wat algemener. De meeste transities verlopen mooi, een enkel nummer eindigt wat abrupt. De tracks hebben leuke elementen zoals fluitspel en “strijkinstrumenten”. Hoe vaker je luistert, hoe meer details je “ontdekt”.

(8/10) (Melodic Revolution Records)

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