Rens Dietz – Geloof de hype Punk is niet dood, punk leeft

Communicatiewetenschapper Rens Dietz werd in de zero’s gegrepen door de postpunk revivals. Bijna iedereen heeft (stiekem) wel een favoriet punknummer, misschien zonder te beseffen dat het punk is. Het is net als onkruid, het komt iedere keer weer terug. Dit boek wordt beschreven vanuit twee ik-personen, een vader (1948) en zijn zoon (1982). De feiten … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Aoasem – Duuster

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Aosem is a 6-man Roots-Americana band from Drente (the Netherlands). Frontman and guitarist Harmen Boels sing in Nedersaksisch. This is an officially recognized language and consists of several dialects, including Drents. Aosem draws his inspiration from the music of Tom Petty and … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Rick Miller – Unstuck in Time

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Composer, multi-instrumentalist and singer Rick Miller has been in the prog scene for about 16 years. He also made several albums in New Age and the electronic scenes.During the lockdown a lot of albums were recorded. This also applies to ‘Unstuck in … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Matterhorn – Outside

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Norwegian vocalist Tommy Sebastian Halseth is known, among others, as ex member from the prog metal band ‘Atrox’, and the heavy metal band ‘Griffin’. He had various musical ideas, that’s why he set up a project. This became the alternative rock band … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Jan Bas gave a cozy Sit Happens concert in De Bosuil

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Now that almost all concerts have come to a standstill again, De Bosuil in Weert makes a virtue of necessity. They organise intimate ‘Sit Happens’, accessible to the legal maximum of 30 people. Normally, the venue has a capacity up to 650 … Read more, available in English and Dutch

TDW – The Days The Clock Stopped

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Tom de Wit, or TDW, has released several albums with ‘Dreamwalkers Inc.’. For years Tom hid behind the fictional characters he wrote about. After years of ‘wrestling’ he decided to make a concept album about his own life. Because at the age … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Xavier Boscher – Waterscapes

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken The guitarist Xavier Boscher plays a mix of prog metal and New Age. Since 1995 this Frenchman has released many albums. ‘Waterscapes‘ is his brand-new album. He has played and produced everything himself. Also, the artwork is made by Xavier. The album … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Armed Cloud – Torque

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken Armed Cloud is a modern prog metal band from Nijmegen. Just like many other bands there were some changes in the line-up. Guitarist Wouter van der Veen left the band, his place is taken by Kay Bouten. This gave the band new … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Peter Matuchniak – Sessions

Als je deze recensie liever in het Nederlands leest, kun je hier klikken The guitarist Peter Matuchniak plays with a number of (prog)bands, such as Kinetic Element and Gekko Projekt. In addition, this Brit session is a musician for, among others, Marco Ragni and Psychic for Radio. He not only plays prog, but also rock … Read more, available in English and Dutch