Temic – Terror Management Theory

New melodic prog-metal band Temic consists of known members: Fredrik Bergersen, Eric Gillette, Simen Sandnes, and Diego Tejeida. Their debut album is called: ‘Terror Management Theory’. Apart from a few musical rests, there are plenty of twists, details and change of styles in the music. Not all twists and outros are sublime. The contrasts between the subdued pieces and the metal parts could have been greater in volume, also the contrast between low and high is quite small. This makes the tracks come less alive. The sound of the cymbals is a bit chilly. Plus points: Fredrik regularly manages to touch me with his voice. The (stacked) vocals and the music are balanced. There is a lot of, fantastic guitar playing, the bass and guitars regularly sound heavy. The drumming is dynamic. The keyboards sometimes come to the fore. There are various (industrial) sound effects. The closing track ‘Mothallah’ is surprising because, for example of the choral vocals and the special ending.

(74/100) (Season of Mist).

Social media:
Website: Temic
Facebook: Temic

01 – TMT – 02:02
02 – Through the Sands of Time – 07:01
03 – Falling Away – 04:57
04 – Count Your Losses – 06:13
05 – Skeletons – 07:00
06 – Acts of Violence – 05:52
07 – Friendly Fire – 05:57
08 – Paradigm – 06:33
09 – Once More – 05:45
10 – Mothallah – 07:26

Line up:
Fredrik Bergersen (Maraton, 22) – Vocals
Eric Gillette (The Neal Morse Band, Mike Portnoy’s Shattered Fortress) – Guitars and Backing Vocals
Simen Sandnes (Shining, Arkentype) – Drums and Percussion
Diego Tejeida (Devin Townsend, Mike Portnoy’s Shattered Fortress, ex-Haken) – Keyboards and Sound Design

Guest musicians:
Jacob Umansky (USA) – Bass guitar on the whole album
Mosaic Gospel Choir (Norway) – Mothallah
Garden State Threshold Choir (USA) – Mothallah

Temic – Terror Management Theory

De nieuwe melodische prog-metal band Temic bestaat uit bekenden: Fredrik Bergersen, Eric Gillette, Simen Sandnes, en Diego Tejeida. Hun debuutalbum heet: ‘Terror Management Theory’. Behalve enkele rusten zitten er volop wendingen, details en verandering van stijlen in de muziek. Niet alle wendingen en outro’s verlopen subliem. De contrasten tussen de ingetogen stukken en de metal delen had groter mogen zijn qua volume, ook het contrast tussen laag en hoog is vrij klein. Hierdoor komen de tracks minder tot leven. Het geluid van de cimbalen is wat kil. Pluspunten: Fredrik weet me regelmatig te raken met zijn stem. De (gestapelde) zang en de muziek zijn in balans. Er is veel, gaaf gitaarspel, de bas en gitaren klinken regelmatig lekker zwaar. Het drumwerk is dynamisch. De toetsen komen soms naar de voorgrond. Er zijn diverse (industriële) geluidseffecten.
Het slotnummer ‘Mothallah’ is onder andere door de koorzang en het bijzondere einde verrassend.

(74/100) (Season of Mist)

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