Phear – Save Our Souls

The Canadian trash/power metal band recently released ‘Save Our Souls’. You can hear influences from bands like: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Metallica. Among other things, the lyrics are about PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder), self-reflection and the state of the world today. The starkly sung words in, for example, ‘Save Our Souls’ fit this perfectly. The uptempo ‘New World Error’ contains surprisingly light elements. The tightly played parts in ‘Lease on Life’ are a special contrast to some of the “long-winded” words. The positive lyrics are about personal change. Calmer bits are also woven into ‘On Thin Ice’.
You can hear Phear’s energy in the live bonus track ‘Delusions’. This album has plenty of delicious (screaming) guitar playing, a fine rhythm section and good vocals. The spread across the headset has been used in a fine way.
Because of the verse-rephrase build-up, some parts are a bit predictable. Still, vocally and instrumentally it is quite well put together. Especially the choruses linger pleasantly in your head.

(7/10) (Own management) (Distribution Golden Robot Records)

01 – Aftershock (5:11)
02 – Save Our Souls (6:39)
03 – Snake (5:26)
04 – Narcosynthesis* (5:29) (*Nevermore Cover)
05 – New World Error (5:11)
06 – Lease on Life (7:02)
07 – Bleed (7:57)
08 – On Thin Ice (8:20)
09 – Delusions (Live) 6:45)

Recording Band Line Up:
Patrick Mulock – Lead Vocals
Chris Boshis – Bass Guitars, Backing Vocals
Alex Zubair – Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar
Pat Rogers – Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar
Mike Harshaw – Drums

Live Band Line Up:
Patrick Mulock – Lead Vocals
Chris Boshis – Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals
Alex Zubair – Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar
Pat Rogers – Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar
Andrew Suarez – Drums

Phear – Save Our Souls

De Canadese trash/power metal band bracht kort geleden ‘Save Our Souls’ uit. Je hoort invloeden van bands als: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest en Metallica. De teksten gaan onder andere over PTSD (Post Tramatisch Stress Disorder), zelfreflectie en de staat van de wereld van vandaag. De grimmig gezongen woorden in bijvoorbeeld ‘Save Our Souls’ passen hier prima bij. Het uptempo ’New World Error’ bevat verrassend lichte elementen. De strak gespeelde delen in ‘Lease on Life’ vormen een bijzondere tegenstelling met sommige “langgerekte” woorden. De positieve tekst gaat over persoonlijke verandering. Ook in ‘On Thin Ice’ zijn er kalmere stukjes verweven. In de live bonustrack ‘Delusions’ hoor je de energie van Phear. Dit album heeft lekker veel (gillend) gitaarspel, een prima ritmesectie en goede vocalen. Er is leuk gebruik gemaakt van de verdeling over de headset.
Door de couplet-refrein opbouw, zijn sommige delen wat voorspelbaar. Toch zit het vocaal en instrumentaal best goed in elkaar. Vooral de refreinen blijven aangenaam in je hoofd hangen.

(7/10) (Eigen Beheer) (Distributie Golden Robot Records)

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