Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion – Eternal Snapshots

‘Eternal Snapshots’ is the sixth studio album by Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion (HFMC). This time, no gorgeous epic(s) lasting more than ten minutes. This concept album is about whether our personality is predestined, or determined by fate. You might have to get used to one of the opening track’s first unexpected twists. ‘Deserve To Be Happy’ includes cool guitar playing amongst other things. The slightly sugary sound of ‘Wherever You May Go’ suits this lovely feel-good song. At times, there are quite a lot of layers in vocals and music. Despite the fairly calm set-up, it is complex. ‘No Messiah’ seems more complex due to the sudden twists, but remains accessible. ‘Only For Me’ is a short, particular track. ‘The Yard’ is even shorter, but very different. Despite the differences, all the songs do match. Although this album does not tell one story, ‘All I Wanted To Be’ is a clear closing track. In these 11 songs, the variety between bass, guitars and keyboards is superb. Vocals and music are balanced. Both Hasse’s beautiful, well known voice, and the harmony vocals always stand out positively.

(8/10) (Glassville Records)

01 – All I Wanted To Be (pt 1) – 04:12
02 – Deserve To Be Happy – 05:44
03 – Wherever You May Go – 06:17
04 – No Messiah – 07:16
05 – Once In A Lifetime – 05:14
06 – Only For Me – 02:38
07 – The Yard – 01:45
08 – Searching For The Dark – 04:03
09 – A Sorrowful Mariner – 01:09
10 – Blind Dog – 06:06
11 – All I Wanted To Be (pt 2) – 02:45

Line up:
Hasse Fröberg – vocals, electric & acoustic guitars
Sampo Axelsson – bass guitar
Kjell Haraldsson – keyboards, piano, organs
Anton Lindsjö – guitars
Ola Strandberg – drums, backing vocals
Piano & keyboards on ‘Only For Me’ – Alf Strandberg

Social media:

Website: Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion
Facebook: Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion
Website: Bad Dog Promotion

Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion – Eternal Snapshots

‘Eternal Snapshots’ is het zesde studioalbum van Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion (HFMC). Deze keer geen heerlijke epic(s) van meer dan tien minuten. Dit conceptalbum gaat over de vraag of onze persoonlijkheid is voorbestemd, of door het lot bepaald wordt. Misschien moet je even wennen aan één van de eerste onverwachte wendingen van de openingstrack. ‘Deserve To Be Happy’ bevat onder andere gaaf gitaarspel. De licht zoete klanken van ‘Wherever You May Go’ passen bij deze mooie feel good song. Met vlagen zijn er best veel laagjes in zang en muziek. Ondanks de vrij rustige opzet, is het complex. ‘No Messiah’ lijkt door de plotselinge wendingen complexer, maar blijft toegankelijk. ‘Only For Me’ is een korte, bijzondere track. ‘The Yard’ is nog korter, maar heel anders. Ondanks de verschillen passen alle nummers wel bij elkaar. Hoewel dit album niet één verhaal vertelt, is ‘All I Wanted To Be’ een duidelijke afsluiter. In deze elf nummers is de afwisseling tussen bas, gitaren en keyboards prima. Zang en muziek zijn in balans. Zowel de mooie, vertrouwde stem van Hasse als de samenzang vallen steeds positief op.

(8/10) (Glassville Records)

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