Marcel Coenen – The Axe

Marcel Coenen is a versatile guitarist. In addition, he plays bass, and some of the keyboard parts. Unlike his previous albums, his new album ‘The Axe’ contains only vocal songs. For this, he invited several vocalists. Marcel wrote the music, the vocalists wrote the lyrics. The spherical intro of ‘Can You Feel It Now’ is … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Phear – Save Our Souls

The Canadian trash/power metal band recently released ‘Save Our Souls’. You can hear influences from bands like: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Metallica. Among other things, the lyrics are about PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder), self-reflection and the state of the world today. The starkly sung words in, for example, ‘Save Our Souls’ fit this … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Riverside – Live ID

Riverside is a highly acclaimed prog rock band from Poland. Live, their music comes out even better than on their studio albums. Anyone who has seen Riverside live before, or has their previous live album, knows this is absolutely true. Several songs on this live CD come from their previous album ‘ID.Entity’The album starts with … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Nachtblut – Todschick

German band Nachtblut mixes dark metal with classical elements, new wave and even western influences. This is wrapped up in rousing rhythms, heavy riffs and catchy, sometimes almost poppy melodies. They criticise modern social issues. Death features in a number of lyrics. ‘Von Hass Getrieben’ has a serene, classically-oriented start. Songs like ‘Todschick’ and ‘Das … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Dragonknight – Legions

Dragonknight is a new Finnish metal band founded by metal veterans.They make accessible power metal with beautiful melodies, catchy rhythms, cool riffs and classical elements. Their music is for lovers of bands such as Blind Guardian and Sabaton.The instrumental ‘Through Sea And Fire’ opens almost fairytale-like. The light classical music and choral vocals become more … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Saor – Amidst the Ruins

Andy Marshall is the driving spirit behind Saor. This band has been mixing atmospheric black metal with tender melodies for more than a decade. The newest album, ‘Amidst the Ruins’ intertwines the unpleasantness of modern times with Scottish heritage. The warriors of Saor call on listeners to wake up from their depthful dullness. ‘Amidst the … Read more, available in English and Dutch

Avatarium – Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead

Avatarium, is a Swedish rock doom/melancholic heavy metal band. ‘Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead’ is their sixth studio album. The release date is scheduled for 24 January. The music is heavier and darker than their recent albums. They combine this with the doom of their debut album.‘Between You, God, The Devil & … Read more, available in English and Dutch