Crescent Moon – Windfall – Single

Crescent Moon is een progressieve studioband uit Nederland. Ze hebben twee albums in eigen beheer uitgebracht. Dit zijn: The Lidless Room (2016) en Dissonance (2018). Beide albums zijn zowel als fysiek als download verkrijgbaar via hun bandcamp pagina.

Crescent Moon heeft nu ‘Windfall’ uitgebracht, deze single staat helemaal los van hun twee albums. De draak op het artwork symboliseert het gevecht dat te veel kinderen moeten leveren. Dit gevecht heet kinderkanker. Deze ziekte treft ieder jaar meer dan 55O kinderen in Nederland, 75% van de kinderen geneest.

KiKa is een Nederlandse stichting, de naam is een samenvoeging van het woord kinderkanker. Deze stichting heeft als doel om het genezingspercentage te verhogen naar 95%. Dit doet KiKa door fondsen te werven voor onderzoek. KiKa wil ook dat de kinderen minder pijn lijden tijdens de behandelingen. Bovendien streeft KiKa voor een hogere kwaliteit van leven na genezing.
De bandleden van Crescent Moon willen KiKa graag steunen. Daarom hebben ze de release van ‘Windfall’ gekoppeld aan een donatiecampagne.

Wil je mee helpen om kinderen die getroffen worden door kanker een beter leven te geven? Dat kan op twee manieren:
Je kunt rechtstreeks doneren op: Actie voor KiKa

Maar je kunt ook de bandcamp pagina bezoeken. Het geld van de donaties wordt rechtstreeks over gemaakt naar KiKa.

Het bedrag maakt niet uit. Iedere euro, dollar of pond is van harte welkom, samen staan we sterk! Natuurlijk mag je ‘Windfall’, na donatie, gratis downloaden. Namens Crescent Moon alvast dank je wel.

Windfall (lyrics)

Walk tall, walk straight, never let yourself down
hold on to your faith, keep me spellbound
You stumble and fall,
it doesn’t seem to bother at all
you just wipe the dust of your knees
and go on, with ease

Walk tall, walk straight, never give up your dreams
light up my dark nights, like a moonbeam
With that juvenile touch,
you tell me not to worry to much
and that life is too short anyway
so why care, what they say

Time is like a fireplace baby, burn your years well
You just do it,fight your fights
and blind those puppets with your light
Time’s just an illusion, better seize your days well
You just do it, fight your fights
and you just blind them with your light
and i’ll be standing by your side
to slay the dragons in our sight

Walk tall, walk straight, never think your to small
we stirred up our souls, now gather the windfall
Your god should see,
what you really doin to me
because you’re so needed down here
for me, to take care

Time is like a fireplace baby, burn your years well
You just do it,fight your fights
and blind those puppets with your light
Time’s just an illusion, better seize your days well
You just do it, fight your fights
and you just blind them with your light
and i’ll be standing by your side
to slay the dragons in our sight

Keep the fire burning baby!

Frank Peters – Drums, Guitars & Vocals
Bas Peters – Keyboards & Orchestral Arrangements
Tim Peters – Piano & Background Vocals
Eric Peters – Bass & Mastering
Chico Dommeck – Guitar & Solo Guitar

Written by Frank Peters
Artwork: Margot Peters

Website: Crescent Moon
Facebook: Crescent Moon
Twitter: WoodshopMusic
Bandcamp: Crescent Moon
Artwork: Margot Peters

This translated review in English is an unadjusted translation from Dutch by Deepl

Crescent Moon – Windfall – Single

Crescent Moon is a progressive studio band from the Netherlands. They have released two albums on their own. These are: The Lidless Room (2016) and Dissonance (2018). Both albums are available as both physical and downloadable from their bandcamp page.

Crescent Moon has now released ‘Windfall‘, this single is completely unrelated to their two albums. The dragon on the artwork symbolizes the fight that too many children have to fight. This fight is called child cancer. This disease affects more than 55O children in the Netherlands every year, 75% of the children are cured.

KiKa is a Dutch foundation, the name is a combination of the Dutch word kinderkanker (=child cancer). This non-profit organization aims to increase the healing rate to 95%. KiKa does this by raising funds for research. KiKa also strives to reduce the pain suffered by children during treatment. In addition, KiKa also strives for a higher quality of life after healing.

The members of Crescent Moon would like to support KiKa. That is why they have linked the release of ‘Windfall‘ to a donation campaign.
Would you like to help to give children affected by cancer a better life? This can be done in two ways:
You can donate directly to: Action for KiKa

But you can also visit the bandcamp page. The money from the donations will be transferred directly to KiKa.

The amount doesn’t matter. Every euro, dollar or pound is welcome, together we are strong! Of course, you can download ‘Windfall‘ for free after donation. On behalf of Crescent Moon thank you very much.

Windfall (lyrics)

Walk tall, walk straight, never let yourself down
hold on to your faith, keep me spellbound
You stumble and fall,
it doesn’t seem to bother at all
you just wipe the dust of your knees
and go on, with ease

Walk tall, walk straight, never give up your dreams
light up my dark nights, like a moonbeam
With that juvenile touch,
you tell me not to worry to much
and that life is too short anyway
so why care, what they say

Time is like a fireplace baby, burn your years well
You just do it,fight your fights
and blind those puppets with your light
Time’s just an illusion, better seize your days well
You just do it, fight your fights
and you just blind them with your light
and i’ll be standing by your side
to slay the dragons in our sight

Walk tall, walk straight, never think your to small
we stirred up our souls, now gather the windfall
Your god should see,
what you really doin to me
because you’re so needed down here
for me, to take care

Time is like a fireplace baby, burn your years well
You just do it,fight your fights
and blind those puppets with your light
Time’s just an illusion, better seize your days well
You just do it, fight your fights
and you just blind them with your light
and i’ll be standing by your side
to slay the dragons in our sight

Keep the fire burning baby!

Frank Peters – Drums, Guitars & Vocals
Bas Peters – Keyboards & Orchestral Arrangements
Tim Peters – Piano & Background Vocals
Eric Peters – Bass & Mastering
Chico Dommeck – Guitar & Solo Guitar

Written by Frank Peters
Artwork: Margot Peters

Website: Crescent Moon
Facebook: Crescent Moon
Twitter: WoodshopMusic
Bandcamp: Crescent Moon
Artwork: Margot Peters

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